Here is why we do what we do. Check out the impact NWAP has made for our athletes in and out of the gym.



Seaside High School Golf State Champion, Willamette University 6x Golf Champion

“When I first was introduced to Dan, I was a 128lb junior in high school with zero confidence in a weight room environment. I had been brought to his weight room door kicking and screaming due to my fear and insecurities about my appearance and how far behind I felt I was compared to the other kids in the gym. However, the first words out of Dan’s mouth to me were, “Welcome Sammy, in here you are better than no one, and NO ONE is better than you!”. After that moment, I knew that even though I was just one out of forty-five other kids in the gym, Dan cared just as much about my success as he did everyone else’s. Fast forward nine years later, and I am still able to contact Dan at any time of day to get feedback on my current fitness program, nutrition, or even just life advice. I have never known him not to invest 100% of his effort into his students, and he cares deeply about their success. In my opinion, the most admirable aspect of Dan's method is that he never views the athletes he trains as “clients”; everyone he takes on becomes his friend. He makes a point to know who their parents are, where they are from, and who they are as people. He holds an open door policy and will sacrifice nearly all of his personal time or convenience if it gives one of his students an opportunity to improve. I know there is no doubt I would not have had the success in my sport had Dan Leary not been my coach and friend.”



“Hey there, we just wanted to share with you our experience and what we’ve noticed in our daughter since coming to train under your leadership [NWAP].

Kate has never been very confident. She’s always been the girl that won’t speak up, hides behind the group and just went with the flow. She always played sports and enjoyed them but never really had the confidence to lead.

Since starting with your program she has become a ton more confident. She is a lot stronger and her balance and athleticism have been very noticeable.  Growth in these areas has shown up while competing with her peers. In areas she was struggling she now is towards the top of the group. Areas where she was at the upper end she now stands out. There is no doubt it’s from training and we thank you.

This program has also given her an even stronger sense of responsibility and self pride. If she misses a workout day do to weather or whatever the situation. She gets a workout in at home. She holds herself accountable and we as parents don’t even have to say a word. She had a lot of drive but it’s went into top gear since starting this program.

Thank you for all you do and we look forward to the future and seeing these kids continue to grow.”



Head PGA Golf Professional at Astoria G&CC in Oregon

“I have known Dan for 10+ years. He is one of the hardest working coaches I’ve ever met. He always has the gym open on time and is always the last to leave. I’ve never heard Dan say no to a kid.

Dan’s programming for the student athletes is both functional and unique. Granted I am not an expert in workout programming, but I’ve been around the block a time or two. I have seen Dan’s program take a timid under sized freshman and turn him into an All-State athlete. His programs are great for boys and girls. During his time at Seaside High School all our athletes performed at a very high level on the field, court, track, or any other athletic venue.

What has always impressed me about Dan is his pursuit of improvement. What I mean is he’s always studying how to make kids better. Whether it’s learning more about how the body functions, or it’s learning a new and improved exercise Dan never stops trying to learn.

Not only is Dan an outstanding coach, but he’s also an outstanding man. A devoted and loving father. A tremendously loyal friend. One of the best people I’ve ever met. I highly recommend Dan.”